This is a 10 ml bottle of some of the finest Attars, Ouds and Mukhallats. The range of Quality fragrance oils are galvanized from the best sources within affordable range for our customers.
These various Fragrances will definitely distinguish anyone who wears them. Fragrances range by varying extracts and unique processing required to produce each scent.
Educational Video
Why 4 of the World's Priciest Scents are So Expensive
1.) Agarwood - Oud
2.) Frankincense & Myrrh
3.) Sandalwood
4.) Jasmine
Oud - is a fragrant, dark and resinous wood used in incense, perfume, and small hand carvings. It forms in the heartwood of Aquilaria trees after they become infected with a type of Phaeoacremonium mold, P. parasitica. The tree defensively secretes a resin to combat the fungal infestation. Prior to becoming infected, the heartwood mostly lacks scent, and is relatively light and pale in colouration. However, as the infection advances and the tree produces its fragrant resin as a final option of defense, the heartwood becomes very dense, dark, and saturated with resin.
Attar - a fragrant essential oil, typically made from rose petals.
Mukhallat - means "mixture" or "blend" in Arabic and is a type of fragrance that originates from the rich and aromatic traditions of the Middle East. These perfumes are often created by skillfully blending a variety of natural fragrance oils, attars, and essential oils.
We work with many venders to Bring Our Customers the Best Fragrance Experience.
One Extra Very Important Ingredient besides Quality resources is the Prayer and intentions that goes into Packaging and Producing all our Fragrances, Products and Service. Our sincere Prayer and Intention is for the Best of Life's Experiences to come to all that Purchase our Products. We pray that all are lifted to the Highest States and Human Purpose. And that all may encounter, receive and reciprocate Best of Human or Divine Energy.
This is a REAL Important aspect of Our Business and it Truly makes a Difference.